Namibia Institute for Democracy

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Namibia Institute for Democracy
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The Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), founded in 1991, implements civic education, civil society development, socio-political survey and research, and anti-corruption programmes in Namibia.

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Civic Education, Public Discussion Forum, Civil Society Support, Political Party Leadership Training, Voter Education, Gender Mainstreaming Programme, Global Learning, Decolonization, Social Justice

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I vote Namibia!
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Make your vote count and join the 2024 general elections in Namibia. NID provides all the necessary information

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Namibia Institute for Democracy

Current programmes include a domestic civil society election observation programme, political party training, civic and voter education, anti-corruption and study circle programmes.

Recent News

Civil Society Support Program (CSSP) for local non-governmental organisations

NID recently conducted a Civil Society Support Program (CSSP) for local non-governmental organisations. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) often lack the institutional capacity to play a meaningful role in the development of Namibia's economy. This hampers CSOs' ability to meaningfully interact with various stakeholders and successfully i...

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  2040 Hits

i-Vote Namibia

Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF), Namibia Media Holdings (NMH) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN), are hosting an I-Vote Namibia Campaign. The overall objective of the campaign is to provide the public with important information regarding the elections, as well as to encourage young people to participate in the upcoming elections.

The I-Vote Namibia Campaign will continue running throughout October and November 2019.


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Namibia Institute for Democracy visited Khorab Secondary School in Otavi to conduct a Civic Education Programme

Workshop at Khorab Secondary School

On the 5th of September 2019, Namibia Institute for Democracy visited Khorab Secondary School in Otavi to conduct a Civic Education Programme. The overall objective of the intervention was to teach learners about their role, rights and responsibilities as citizens. The programme further aimed to educate the youth about Namibia's governance process and structures.

The initiative was well received by learners and teachers!


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Namibia Institute for Democracy recently conducted a civic education training at Otjikondo Primary School

The learners were taught about democracy, the Namibian Constitution, three branches of government and human rights through fun, practical group activities. The workshop, which took place on the 3rd and 4th of September 2019, was attended by students in Grades 5, 6 and 7.


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NID on the NBC Talk of the Nation Panel

Namibia Institute for Democracy was recently invited to be part of a panel discussion on NBC Talk of the Nation. 

As we gear towards the 2019 Presidential and National Assembly Elections, ECN and its stakeholders are conducting one of the most important pre-election events, voter's education. In every election, voter and civic education are necessary to ensure that all constituents, including first time voters, understand their rights, the political system, the contestants, as well as where and how to vote. 

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  2251 Hits

Civic Education for Learners Boot-Camp 2019

Namibia Institute for Democracy, in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation, recently conducted a Civic Education Boot Camp at Rock Lodge Training Center. The main objective of the boot camp was to provide the learners with an in-depth understanding of Namibia’s governance process and structures, to teach the pupils how to think critically and i...

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  2905 Hits

NID at United Nations Convention against Corruption and the Implementation

First Secretary to the Namibian Embassy in Ethiopia, AvShalom Nghifititeko (left) , The Executive Director of the Namibia Insititute for Democracy, Naita Hishoono (Middle) and Alex Zambwa from the Ministry of Justice in Namibia.(Right))

The Namibia Insitute for Democracy was present at the convention against Corruption and the Implementation Review Mechanism hosted by the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime (UNODC) and United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Civil Society(CSO) which was held on the 8th -12th of April 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In the photo ...

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  2490 Hits

Women's Breakfast

The Namibia Institute for Democracy hosted a Women's Breakfast on Thursday 7 March, 2019. It was held at the Lemon Tree Restaurant, Eros in honour of International Women's Day under the theme “Women, Democracy and Elections".The event was filled with 50 aspiring women from diverse backgrounds and sectors. The Speakers included Honourable Councillor...

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  2554 Hits

Press Release for the Guide to Civil Society in Namibia.

The Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) launched the 3rd edition of the Guide to Civil Society in Namibia. The much anticipated launch was held Wednesday morning 13th February 2019 at the House of Democracy. It had members of Civil Society and the donor community excited for the newly revised ve...

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  2965 Hits

Civic Education workshop for Pastors, Teachers and Youth Leaders

Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN), hosted a Civic Education workshop for pastors, teachers and youth leaders. The overall objective of this workshop was to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to actively involve...

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  2369 Hits

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals assist not only NID, but most GRN-institutions, businesses and NGOs to make the world a fairer place to live in.

Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
No Poverty
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals