Namibia Institute for Democracy

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Namibia Institute for Democracy
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The Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), founded in 1991, implements civic education, civil society development, socio-political survey and research, and anti-corruption programmes in Namibia.

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Civic Education, Public Discussion Forum, Civil Society Support, Political Party Leadership Training, Voter Education, Gender Mainstreaming Programme, Global Learning, Decolonization, Social Justice

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I vote Namibia!
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Make your vote count and join the 2024 general elections in Namibia. NID provides all the necessary information

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Namibia Institute for Democracy

Current programmes include a domestic civil society election observation programme, political party training, civic and voter education, anti-corruption and study circle programmes.

Recent News

The 2-day training workshop on finalization and harmonization of #APRMNPoA in the town of Swakopmund.

The 2-day training workshop on finalization and harmonization of #APRMNPoA in the town of Swakopmund. The primary objective of the APRM National Plan of Action is to guide and mobilize the APRM-participating country’s efforts in implementing necessary changes to improve its state of governance and accelerate its socio-economic development.

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#APRMNPoA Workshop

The training workshop is attended by experts and stakeholders who are involved in the progress of the National Plan of Action which includes the APRM National Governing Council representatives, relevant Ministries, youth, civil society organisations and the private sector.#APRMNPoAv

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Capacity building workshop in the areas of project management, fundraising, stakeholders engagement and community involvement.

NID and Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia concluded a 2 day capacity building workshop in the areas of project management, fundraising, stakeholders engagement and community involvement. The objective was to promote synergies between local and regional councillors and authorities.

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How can we combat Gender Based Violence through Digitalism?

This PDF focused on Gender Based Violence, basic human rights education and digitalism with the learners from Jacob Marengo Secondary School. Another successful collaboration with UNDP Namibia. 

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NID and UNDP Namibia hosted a capacity building training for Honourable Members of Parliament.

The 4th industrial revolution has changed the ways leaders interact with the community and how citizens make their voices heard on important issues. NID and UNDP Namibia hosted a capacity building training for Honourable Members of Parliament. The training explored how members of parliament can digitize parliamentary processes and use technology to...

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Civic Education

BOOTCAMP IN SESSION - Another successful civic education bootcamp in partnership with the Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia. The bootcamp is designed for learners to deepen their knowledge about democracy, human rights, leadership and advocacy.#knowyourrights #civiceducation #youtharethefuture 

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Does the new curriculum prepare our youth to thrive?

Does the new curriculum prepare our youth to thrive? NID together with the Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia had a public discussion with learners from Jacob Marengo Secondary School. Thank you to our speakers: Hon Utaara Mootu, Mrs Willemien Wannberg (NIED), Mr Mwilima (Hage Geingob Secondary School) for your insight and participation at this public...

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Join us in partnership with Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia for a public discussion on the Namibian school curriculum today, 24 March 2022 at 15:00.

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Happy Independence day.

We would strongly promote independence from South Africa and the implementation of the UN Peace Plan, thus allowing Namibians to exercise their right to self-determination. 'We know that this commitment will not earn ourselves popularity in certain quarters,' we wrote, 'but we can see no alternative to the holding of free and fair elections.'#Happy...

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What is the role of the church in assisting the youth? How can the church uplift society?

What is the role of the church in assisting the youth? How can the church uplift society?NID in partnership with the Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia conducted a training to provide youth leaders from different churches with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to participate in the development of the Namibian House.  

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Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals assist not only NID, but most GRN-institutions, businesses and NGOs to make the world a fairer place to live in.

Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
No Poverty
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals