AIDS and Governance Programme
The HIV/AIDS pandemic has serious implications for governance and democracy. A sustainable democracy needs strong democratic institutions and an active citizenry able to participate productively in political, economic and social processes. HIV/AIDS weakens democracy by depleting the skill-base in such institutions, which undermines their capacity to operate efficiently. The pandemic also weakens the ability of the electorate to participate in democratic institutions.
The NID therefore initiated the AIDS and Governance Programme with the objective of investigating the implications of HIV/AIDS on the consolidation of democracy in Namibia. The programme aims to assist with the development and implementation of strategies by political leaders and civil society to manage it effectively.
Currently, CSOs and NGOs that are active in the HIV/AIDS sector are supported with training programmes to improve their institutional capacity skills as well as techncial assistance in various functional organisational management areas.
The impact of HIV/AIDS on the electoral process in Namibia
This study, conducted by the NID as part of a regional study spearheaded by Idasa in seven countries, investigates the threat posed by the pandemic to the fledgling democratic institutions that have been established since independence. It asks: How does HIV/AIDS affect elections, political parties and the overall electoral system in the country?