NGO Management Training
Guide to Civil Society 2018
In order to further strengthen civil society in Namibia and support the interaction between government and civil society, the NID compiled this guide to provide an overview of the mandate of NGOs and CSOs in Namibia, complemented with contact details and the sectors in which they are active. Organisations who responded to a questionnaire that was distributed and announced in the media are included. It is hoped that this guide will serve as a reference tool to local and international development institutions and NGOs requiring information on the activities of civil society or those looking for partners for specific programmes in Namibia.
Guide to Civil Society
- Rejoice PJ Marowa and Naita Hishoono
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Guide to Civil Society
In order to further strengthen civil society in Namibia and support the interaction between government and civil society, the NID compiled this guide to provide an overview of the mandate of NGOs and CSOs in Namibia, complemented with contact details and the sectors in which they are active. Organisations who responded to a questionnaire that was distributed and announced in the media are included. It is hoped that the guide will serve as a reference tool to local and international development institutions and NGOs requiring information on the activities of civil society or those looking for partners for specific programmes in Namibia.
Guide to Civil Society
- Theunis Keulder and Naita Hishoono
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Monitoring & Evaluation
This training manual, compiled by Justine Hunter, is part of the NID's Fundamentals of NGO Management series. As part of the NID's training and technical assistance to NGOs in institutional capacity skills, this manual trains NGO representatives in the monitoring and evaluation of their respective programmes.
Download PDF file here (991kb)
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Justine Hunter
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Principles of Internal NGO management
As part of the NID's Fundamentals of NGO Management series, this training manual focusses on planning, organisation, leading and control as part of the internal management of NGOs. Compiled by Theunis Keulder, it is used to train NGOs as part of the NID's training and technical assistance programme to NGOs in institutional capacity skills.
Principles of Internal NGO management
- Theunis Keulder
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Practical Guide to the Financial Management of NGOs
The NID has published the Practical Guide to the financial management of NGOs as part of its Fundamentals of NGO Management series. This financial guide, which was compiled and written by Theunis Keulder and Erika Benz, is used to train NGOs in all areas of financial management and covers issues such as the accounting system, budgeting, financial reporting, staff administration and audits. Case studies are provided and templates are provided for use by organisations.
Practical Guide to the Financial Management of NGOs
- Dr. Janette Minnaar-van Veijeren
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Practical Guide to Organisational Ethics
The establishment of an effective ethics programme and a strong ethical culture that is pervasive throughout civil society organisations are cornerstones to the credibility of the sector in Namibia. Therefore, the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) has compiled and published a training manual that is used to train representatives of civil society in Namibia in organisational ethics as part of its “Zero Tolerance to Corruption Campaign” and its programme to strengthen civil society in Namibia.
Practical Guide to Organisational Ethics
- Dr. Janette Minnaar-van Veijeren
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