Namibia Institute for Democracy

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Namibia Institute for Democracy
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The Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), founded in 1991, implements civic education, civil society development, socio-political survey and research, and anti-corruption programmes in Namibia.

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Civic Education, Public Discussion Forum, Civil Society Support, Political Party Leadership Training, Voter Education, Gender Mainstreaming Programme, Global Learning, Decolonization, Social Justice

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I vote Namibia!
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Make your vote count and join the 2024 general elections in Namibia. NID provides all the necessary information

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Namibia Institute for Democracy

Current programmes include a domestic civil society election observation programme, political party training, civic and voter education, anti-corruption and study circle programmes.

Recent News

Happy International Women's Day️️ #BreakTheBias


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Educating the boy and girl child one book at a time.

Educating the boy and girl child one book at a time. The book ‘Namibian Youth on Gender Sensitivity and Gender Awareness was handed over to Immanuel Shifidi High School, A Shipena Secondary School and Khomastura High School. #knowledgeispower The books were funded by the British High Commission- UK in Namibia . 

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Information belongs to the people #edemocracy #LetsSpreadTheWord

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As part of an initiative funding by the British High Commission, NID handed over story books on Gender to the Jacob Marengo High School.

 Mr Mpho Katjiuongua the Economic Diplomacy Officer from the British High Commission handed the books over to Mr Kenneth the Director at Jacob Marengo High School.The book ‘Namibian Youth on Gender Sensitivity and Gender Awareness’ was written by three Namibians depicting stories on gender.  

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NID in partnership with @hsfnamibia conducted its first civic education training for 2022 with learners from Dr Lemmer High School and M & K Gertze High School in Rehoboth.

Our youth need to be provided with the knowledge, skills and tools to participate in the social, economic and political development of Namibia. NID in partnership with @hsfnamibia conducted its first civic education training for 2022 with learners from Dr Lemmer High School and M & K Gertze High School in Rehoboth.  

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Social media platforms have the potential to influence the way individuals think which essentially hijacks democracy.

Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google have the potential to influence the way individuals think which essentially hijacks democracy. Understanding how social media algorithms work empowers us to know the difference between fact or fiction or propaganda.  

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In partnership with the British High Commission - UK in Namibia, NID conducted a workshop with the Namibian Police.

In partnership with the British High Commission - UK in Namibia, NID conducted a workshop with the Namibian Police. This Awareness and Sensitivity workshop highlighted the tools needed to effectively address Gender-Based Violence.        

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A joint collaboration with the British High Commission raising awareness on gender equality and gender equity.

#slidebacksaturday with UK in Namibia.This Gender Mainstreaming workshop was attended by various civil society groups highlighting on how gender assessment and gender impact can be a critical and core component of development, including educating the boy-child. A joint collaboration with the British High Commission raising awareness on gender equal...

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NID together with @undpnamibia will continue with capacity building training for civil society organizations for 2022

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Happy New Year

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Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals assist not only NID, but most GRN-institutions, businesses and NGOs to make the world a fairer place to live in.

Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
No Poverty
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals
Sustainable Millenium Developent Goals